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Chopstix Plaza Indonesia

12 Reviews
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Leidy Vania Jusuf
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Good Fried Rice!
I love the Lagoon Fried Rice, but couldn't help but think that the portion is a lot smaller that I expected - but after all the taste is really good!
Hungry Couplee
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Makan murce dan enak di PI, bisa ke chopstix, cobain sepang char kwe tiaw, lucu bentuk kwetiaw nya kotak2 gt bukan yg panjang2, bumbu nya pedes gurih gtu, isinya lumayan banyak sih. Enaakk. 1 lg lumpia ayam, ini isi nya tebeeel! Garing dan masih panas, pake mayo makin mantep. Makanannya dtg cepet, pelayanannya jga baik . #hungrycouplee
susan susana
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makanany enak dan hemat
makananya enak dan harganya terjangkau.
Happy Ferdian
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5 Spot Makan Siang Enak dengan Modal Rp 50 Ribu di Plaza Indonesia
Restoran khas Peranakan ini punya banyak sekali menu lezat dengan harga yang terjangkau. Cobain deh Nasi Goreng Kampung (Rp 42.800) yang punya hentakan rasa pedas menggigit, dan terasa makin mantap berkat penggunaan sedikit terasi pada bumbunya. Nasi Sapi Lada Hitam (Rp 39.800) juga patut dicoba, dengan irisan daging yang melimpah dan bumbu medoknya yang khas. Beberapa menu lain yang juga difavoritkan konsumen adalah Mie Ayam Chopstix (Rp 32.800), Nasi Capcay Ayam Komplit (Rp 42.800), dan Sambal Matah Chicken Rice (Rp 31.800).
Dhanes Soegondo
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I went to this place on the Good Friday 2018 to have some dinner. As you might have guessed, the restaurant is pretty packed with families. The waiter and waitress are a bit overwhelmed by the work they have to do. We ordered Hong Kong noodles with roasted chicken, fried rice, some appetizers and drinks. The drinks we ordered was pretty simple, it was only one mineral water and three glasses of tea. The waiter made a mistake and they only gave us the mineral water and two glasses of tea. The second mistake was, we ordered a plate of some kind of shrimp dumpling with mayo but it seems the waiter didn't put it in the order. So we have to wait for it a bit longer. The seats aren't the best. It wasn't comfortable. I pretty much can say that the HK Noodles with Roasted Chicken is one of the best I've ever tasted in Jakarta. So you probably should give it a try. The other thing I like about this place was we can still have a conversation without having to yell even though it's very packed inside the restaurant.
Karina Marpaung
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8 Sajian Kulit Ayam Goreng Paling Juara
Bosan menunggu makanan utama tersaji di atas meja saat berada di restoran Chopstix? Pesan saja Chicken Skin yang dapat kamu santap sebagai makanan pembuka. Pasti menit demi menit tak akan terasa lama bila camilan berupa kulit ayam goreng telah hadir menemani.
Chandra Wijaya
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7 Restoran Keluarga Untuk Buka Puasa di Thamrin
Kalau bertandang di Plaza Indonesia, restoran Chopstix bisa dijadikan pilihan juga. Aneka makanan comfort food yang diolah dengan apik ini nggak akan mengecewakan santapan buka puasa, bahkan makanan ringan seperti Fried Chicken Skin ini aja tetap nikmat.

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