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4 Reviews
Menteng100rb - 200rb
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David Handoko
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Ultimate Guide: 10 Restoran Untuk Makan Keluarga Buat Rayakan Imlek di Jakarta
Siapa yang suka makan di restoran enak yang satu ini. Restoran Paramount ini tentunya sudah sering dikunjungi karena citarasa sajian chinese food nya yang nikmat. Aneka menu chinese food tradisional yang rasanya selalu bikin kangen untuk menyantapnya lagi.
Mega Christanti
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Tempat makan jaman dlu
Makanan enak, jika mau acar harus minta (krn bayar) teh bisa isi ulang.. lumpia udang nya enak.. setelah makan akan dikasih kudapan gratiss
Aswino Sumopawiro
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Kaki Katak Goreng
Salah satu menu favorit saya di restoran Paramount sejak kecil. Nikmat nya membawa ke nostalgia
Aris Munandar
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I have absolutely no idea why this place is very popular in central jakarta area. I have heard this place for several times from people living around this area or working around this area. Surely, this place has its own charm but unfortunately i did't find ANYTHING I enjoy when I visited this place some time ago. The place is OLD and in desperate need of renovation. I heard this place is used for weddings some time... geez... What a jolly one I bet.. The food is classic chinese but I couldn't determine what kind of chinese. Not cantonese, not hakka and not even tse chuan. Maybe the right one is Indonesian Chinese :p Let me start on what they proclaim as their signature menu, the lumpia udang. This menu is soooo hot, they put how to eat lumpia instruction guide on each table. The lumpia is a rectangular deep fried yellowish prawn fritter, served on a plate of cracker/crispy rice noodle and dipped in sweet and sour sauce. I don't know which is worse, the tasteless lumpia or the tasteless sauce OR the weird crispy rice crackers. Big NO NO. Next dish is stir fry asparagus in cream sauce, ANOTHER WEIRD DISH. How can such delicious asparagus be served in that yellow thick salty sauce and you are expected to have it with rice? Oh my.... Last and thankfully edible Ayam Goreng Mentega. At least this one is good enough to be eaten with my rice and finish that horrible lunch. Plus side, they served complimentary dessert, es jali or es cincau, not bad eh?

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Ultimate Guide: 10 Restoran Untuk Makan Keluarga Buat Rayakan Imlek di Jakarta

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